Deliberately allowing feel-good moments has value

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“Satisfying relationships don’t bring alignment. Alignment brings satisfying relationships.

Do you see what must come first?”

– Abraham-Hicks


You are not happy because you are living a good life. You are living a good life because you are happy. You allow your desires to manifest “easily” and “in their full potential” when you start reconnecting to your ability to feel relief, to feel better, to feel good, no matter what.

As you practice unconditional alignment/joy/feeling positive emotions predominantly and consistently, you reconnect to your freedom and power. Even for people who feel ecstasy on a rather regular basis, allowing feel-good moments is a practice. The good news is that as you practice, it does get easier. In this place of strength, you mostly feel emotions that you like (i.e. positive feeling emotions) and you allow the law of attraction to match you up with more positive feeling moments as the law of attraction states – “like attracts like” – what you are feeling attracts more to feel the same. The better it gets, the better it gets.

The law of attraction does not state that you feel positive all the time (negative emotions can be painful but they do have value as they are part of our inner guidance). Even if you can feel positive emotions 55% of the time on a daily basis, you would have made a substantial difference to your predominant and consistent vibrations/ feelings and hence to the kind of life experiences that manifest in your physical reality. We have the ability to feel the emotions that we want to feel much more than we give ourselves credit for.

Initially, it may require effort but it’s like learning a new software program or a new skill – initially it requires effort and as one goes along, it gets easier and easier. What helps us in this practice is knowing that we love feeling positive emotions. Anything that anyone wants – more money, starting a new venture, a promotion at work, a more loving relationship, bigger car, better house, health etc. is all because one believes that one will better in the having of it. It is that positive feeling that we are targeting because we love positive emotions. We love them because that is who we are – pure positive energy and we always feel the call of who we are when we choose to separate ourselves from it and we feel good when we reconnect to it.

Practicing the art of allowing positive emotions on a daily basis does have value.


Photo credit – Matthew Hamilton via

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